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21st Jan 2014

10 Things… That Prove You Are Best Friends

You know you're besties when these ten things apply to you.

Rebecca McKnight

Where would a girl be without her besties? Knee-deep in Ben and Jerry’s and empty wine bottles, we’d wager. While most women have lots of different circles of friends; work friends, school friends, college friends, yoga friends… you see where we’re going… there is always one or two that are shining lights amongst the crowd. The girls you would happily trust with your life… and your social media logins. Here are ten things that prove beyond a doubt that you’re the best friends that anyone could have…


They know what you actually sound like when you sing

You may even have your own ‘number’ for karaoke. Only to be pulled out for seriously drunk occasions. Sure you could have been in B*witched.

You can finish each other’s… sandwiches

Put any two people together long enough and they can finish each other’s sentences. True friends can share/steal food from each other’s plates.

They’ll tell you the truth about what you’re wearing

This one does nothing for your ass and you know it. A friend will lie to save your feelings, a best friend will already be in your wardrobe finding a replacement.

You can call them at any time, day or night

They might call you some unspeakable names when they answer, but a few seconds later you’re clear to fill them in on whatever is going on.

They’ll tell your ex the things you never had the guts to


You hate all the same people

She might not have any reason, but if you say someone’s a wagon, they’re a wagon. Simples.

You can tell what she’s thinking with only a look

Good, bad or indifferent, it just takes a glance.

You are toilet buddies for life

The perfect place for an analysis on the night so far.

They will Facebook stalk with you for hours

All you know is he is beautiful and he works in the office two doors down. Mission: Accepted.

They are allowed to ask you questions that no one else would dare

Did you get the shift?
