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27th Jun 2024

A huge number of under 35s in Ireland say they would leave their jobs to be an influencer

Sophie Collins


A new survey from has revealed a striking trend among Irish adults

A significant portion of the population is eyeing being a social media influencer as a more viable career path than their current jobs.

The findings, published  by Pure Telecom as part of the Connected Lives survey conducted by Censuswide, revealed that 60% of adults under 35 in Ireland would like to earn an income as social media influencers. 

Aside from this, 48% of the adult population is open to the idea of pursuing this digital career.

The survey delves deep into the motivations and perceptions surrounding the influencer industry in Ireland. 

Among those currently holding full-time jobs who are interested in becoming influencers, 56% believe they could earn more in this new role than in their existing positions. 

This statistic translates to 27% of full-time employees in Ireland who see greater financial potential in influencing compared to their current employment.


The main reasons for this growing interest in influencing include a genuine passion for the field (49%) and the allure of receiving free products and services (32%). 

Those less inclined to pursue an influencer career cite a lack of interest (38%), doubts about their abilities (37%), and concerns over privacy and public scrutiny (30%).

Beyond the realm of influencing, the survey also highlights the active participation of Irish adults in social media. 

Nearly half (45%) of the population posts on social media at least once a week, with more than one-in-10 (12%) posting daily. 

Surprisingly, Baby Boomers are the most likely to post daily, with 16% engaging in daily updates.

Paul Connell, CEO of Pure Telecom, commented on the findings, emphasising the growing legitimacy of online influencing as a career choice. 

“These figures show that online influencing has become a mainstream career consideration for many as we see an entire generation of digital natives becoming hard-working adults. 

“Increased connectivity means that we can consume media wherever we are. With that ease of access, people are now turning to influencers for tips and inspiration on the things that are important to them – be that feeling good about themselves, cooking nutritious family meals, or simply having a laugh. 

“So, is it any wonder that so many of us want to use our talents, knowledge, or interests and make a career out of them while making people happy at the same time?”

Connell concludes by reaffirming Pure Telecom’s commitment to providing the connectivity needed for both aspiring influencers and their audiences. 

“Whether people want to be in front of the camera influencing or behind the screen watching, we at Pure Telecom are committed to providing the connectivity to make it happen.”

