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27th Jun 2024

Pretty Little Liars star Janel Parrish opens up about endometriosis surgery

Niamh Ryan

Earlier this week, Janel Parrish opened up about her recent endometriosis diagnosis

The actress, 35, revealed that she had surgery to remove cysts which developed due to the disease.

Parish posted the updates on her Instagram after the procedure.

“I usually keep my private life private…but I wanted to share this if it can help other women suffering to know they’re not alone,” she wrote.

“After months of excruciating pain and not knowing why, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and underwent surgery to remove cysts and scar tissue as a result of the disease.

“To my Endo sisters, there is so little information out there about this and there is no cure…so it easy for us to feel helpless, scared and alone.”

However, Parrish said she has felt stronger after seeing other women talk about their personal experiences.

Many other celebrities such as Halsey and Whoopi Goldberg have been vocal about their own diagnosis.

She said that this has helped keep the conversation around endometriosis “open and flowing” and will give people the support they need.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue that’s similar to the lining of the womb grows in other parts of the body. For example, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, or the lining of the stomach.

According to the HSE, endometriosis can affect women of any age. It is long-term, and affects every person differently with varying degrees of pain.

Symptoms include:

  • Period pain that stops you from doing normal activities or severely disrupts your daily routine
  • Excessive or heavy bleeding on your period
  • Pain during or after sex
  • Feeling sick or constipated during your period
  • Cramps and pelvic pain that happens at other times apart from during your period

Approximately 155,000 women in Ireland are affected by the condition, according to the Endometriosis Association of Ireland.