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21st Jun 2024

Let’s bring back the ‘Hot Girl Walk’ this summer

Niamh Ryan

Does anyone remember the Hot Girl Walks during lockdown?

The period of time from 2020 to late 2021 was truly a magical time. The lockdown had us making sourdough from scratch and drinking whipped coffee every morning.

When restrictions finally eased and we could travel further from our homes, walking was something I really got into.

In 2021, influencer Mia Lind popularised the Hot Girl Walk, a 4-mile (6.4km) walk where we can only think about three things: things you’re grateful for, your goals, and how you want achieve them.

Getting started

Not only is the walking good for physical health, it’s also beneficial for our mental wellbeing.

Lind says she typically gets 15,000-20,000 steps a day, and aims to go for a walk before and after work.

Obviously this won’t always be attainable depending on your daily routine. Try getting off the bus a few stops early or choose to walk to the shops instead of driving.

She also acknowledges that a long distance won’t be feasible for everyone. She recommends going by time instead, e.g a 20 minute or 45 minute walk.

The right mindset

Lind also recommends planning the perfect outfit that gives you confidence and makes you feel good.

And no, you don’t have to splurge on something from Lululemon, but wearing good quality and comfortable clothes is key.

“Getting dressed up and feeling your best is also very much a part of the Hot Girl Walk culture, because when you feel great, you stand a little taller,” she says.

If you feel better putting on some makeup and styling your hair, then take the opportunity to do so.

You can choose to listen to a self-help podcast, or download one of the many ‘Hot Girl Walk’ playlists on Spotify.

The idea of the walk is to have a self-care activity that is solely for you. You think about your own goals and focus only on yourself.

Why does it work?

The endorphins released during exercise vastly improve our mood and reduce stress levels.

Being in the fresh and air and sunshine can also make us feel better. Even stopping for an iced coffee can turn the walk into a daily activity we look forward to.

If you work in an office or have a sedentary lifestyle, it’s even more important to take part in daily physical activity. Being inactive for long stretches of time can seriously impact our health, and increases our chances of illness.

Not only that, taking the time to do things for ourselves is so important. When life gets busy, we need to make sure that we’re minding our mental health and checking in with ourselves.

Will you be trying the Hot Girl Walk method?