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31st May 2024

Empowering women: How Andrew Fitzsimons’ ethos of inclusivity is changing the beauty game

Sophie Collins

Andrew Fitzsimons

In an era where the beauty industry is under constant scrutiny for its often unrealistic standards and lack of inclusivity, the importance of support and advocacy is invaluable

Among those making waves, Andrew Fitzsimons stands out.

Known for his innovative haircare brand and his work with high-profile clients, Fitzsimons is helping to reshape the narrative to celebrate natural beauty and inclusivity.

His brand’s ethos offers a powerful example of why we need more people like him to push for an equal and representative beauty industry.

Celebrating Natural Beauty

Speaking over lunch this week with Andrew himself, one thing was clear; his brand is deeply rooted in the celebration of women’s natural beauty.

In a market saturated with products promising to alter and perfect, Fitzsimons’ takes a refreshing approach.

His haircare line emphasises enhancing natural textures and hair features rather than concealing them.

This philosophy is a breath of fresh air for women who have long been pressured to conform to a narrow set of beauty standards.

By focusing on natural beauty, Fitzsimons sends a powerful message: every woman is inherently beautiful.

His products are designed to work with, rather than against, the natural properties of hair.

This approach not only encourages self-acceptance but also inspires women to embrace their individuality.

In a world where beauty standards are often homogenous, Fitzsimons’ celebration of diversity is both radical and necessary.

We couldn’t be happier to see such a wonderful brand going from strength to strength, adding to its list of stockists and launching in Dublin Airport and Dunnes Stores nationwide this week.


Another topic of conversation was how inclusivity is another incredibly important cornerstone of Andrew’s brand.

From product formulation to marketing, Fitzsimons ensures that his products are accessible and relevant to a diverse range of women without compromising on ingredients, science, or the all-important scent (which by the way was created by the same masterminds behind Tom Ford fragrances).

This commitment is seen in the vast array of hair types his products cater to, ensuring that women of all ethnicities and hair textures can find something that works for them.

Fitzsimons’ marketing campaigns are also a testament to this inclusive ethos. He features models of different races, ages, and body types, challenging the industry’s status quo.

This representation is crucial in helping all women to see themselves reflected in mainstream beauty standards.

It emphasises that beauty is not a one-size-fits-all and that everyone deserves to feel seen and valued.

The 36-year-old’s work highlights the huge impact public figures can have in helping to transform the beauty industry.

Using their platform and influence to advocate for change, pushing back against outdated opinions, and promoting a more inclusive and authentic vision of beauty.

This is particularly important for women, who have historically borne the brunt of restrictive and often damaging beauty standards.

The beauty industry needs more leaders who are willing to challenge this status quo.

They are quite literally the key to unlocking an industry that celebrates and serves all women, in all their glorious diversity.