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19th Jun 2024

Taylor Swift is officially Irish, say genealogy experts

Niamh Ryan

Genealogy experts have discovered that Taylor Swift is Irish, ahead of her sold out shows in Dublin next week

EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum and their genealogy partners The Irish Family History Centre have revealed the pop star’s true heritage.

While Swift was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Nashville, her roots can be traced all the way back to Derry.

On June 11th 1836, Susan Davis and Francis Gywnn emigrated on the ship AMY, in search of a new life in America.

The couple settled in Philadelphia and had six children, and the family established a successful soap-making business.

All but one of their children predeceased Susan and Francis.

Their daughter, and Taylor Swift’s great-great-grandmother, Mary Douglas (née Gwynn) buried her parents just two months apart.

CEO of EPIC Aileesh Carew made a statement upon their discovery of the star’s heritage:

“In tracing Taylor Swift’s roots back to 1836, EPIC exemplifies its vital role in preserving the rich tapestry of our past, ensuring that each individual thread contributes to the vibrant narrative of our collective history. 

“As audiences prepare to witness Taylor’s performances in Ireland, we invite visitors to visit and experience the moving and unforgettable stories of those who left the island of Ireland, and how they influenced and shaped the world.”

Here’s hoping Taylor uses some of her cúpla focal when she takes the stage at the Aviva next week!