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05th Jun 2024

Are hair accessories making a comeback?

Niamh Ryan

Like everything else in the fashion world, accessory trends come and go as often as the tides.

We saw earlier this year that hair bows and oversized scrunchies are officially back in, and having been adding some flair to our outfits.

In recent year hair accessories haven’t been getting the same attention as jewellery, but it looks like that’s all about to change this year.

Here’s three hair accessory trends to look out for:

Hair combs

Hair combs have been increasing in popularity, and can look really chic when all you’ve done is throw your hair up.

They’re great for getting hair out of your face, and resemble the effortless look of wearing a pair of sunglasses to push your hair back.

They come in a variety of styles, and you can find antique and vintage ones on Etsy.

Hair pins

If you love how claw clips look on everyone else, but can’t seem to get it quite right for yourself, hair pins could be right for you.

Having longer hair can make it hard to fit everything into a clip, so hair pins may be the solution.

As they were prominent in many cultures (Celtic, Chinese, Greek, etc) you find lots of different styles online that resonate with you.


I’ve always loved how headbands look on shorter hair, especially the flicky bobs that seem to be very on trend right now.

People are getting a lot of inspiration from popular hair accessories in the 90s.

Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was known for her elegant yet simple street-wear looks, including her tortoise shell headbands.

The exact headband she wore is still available at C.O Bigelow in Manhattan.

However, you can kind a cheaper and local alternative at Dunnes Stores.