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22nd Jun 2024

Her Wedding: Former brides reveal what they would do differently

Sophie Collins


Weddings are often seen as one of the most significant and memorable days in a bride’s life

However, after the celebrations are over, many brides reflect on their experiences and can pinpoint things they would do differently if given another chance. 

This insider information can be vital for anyone who is in the midst of planning a wedding. So we took to the streets of Dublin to ask several former brides to share their insights and lessons learned from their own wedding days.

Advice: Don’t Spend a Fortune on Flowers & Favours

One former bride told us: “I would say maybe spending that much money on flowers. You just know no one notices these things—just no need at all.”

This is a common theme among brides who feel that there were certain expenses that may not be as crucial as they thought prior to the big day. 

“Probably spending so much just in general and on decorations and party favours,” another person said.

She suggested that overall expenditure on the decor and party favours might be better allocated elsewhere.

Advice: Invest in a Videographer

“I would say a videographer,” another bride told Her. 

“I think at the start we were like, oh, it’s probably not needed—you have a photographer—but it’s actually, I think, one of the best things you can have because it really captures the day.”

Her experience shows the value of having a videographer. While photos capture moments, videos can bring the entire atmosphere and emotions of the day back to life.

Advice: Book a Professional Photographer

Another common theme, was former brides wishing they had enrolled the help of a professional photographer.

One woman said it was the best decision they made: “So spending money on the photographer. We look back at the pictures and they’re beautiful. So, I think spending that money was a great idea.”

While another said: “We didn’t get a photographer—we just did like iPhone photos and that—we’ve no album, so definitely would get a photographer.”

This experience further emphasises how crucial it is to have quality photos that can be compiled into an album for life.

Advice: Consider a Destination Wedding

The destination wedding is swiftly becoming a popular option over a traditional Irish wedding these days.

One bride echoed this and said: “I’d probably do a destination wedding instead of a wedding locally.

“I think it would be nice and all of our friends and family could go on a holiday with us. I think that they would enjoy that.”

Advice: Stress Less and Enjoy More

“I would say stress less. Just enjoy the day more and leave the worrying to other people and not me, really,” another person told

Her advice to stress less and focus on enjoying the day is a sentiment echoed by many brides. Trusting others with the logistics can allow you to fully embrace and savour your special day.

Prioritising you and your partner’s enjoyment, making thoughtful financial decisions, and capturing memories with professional photographers and videographers are just a few of the ways to ensure your day is both beautiful and stress-free.

