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30th May 2024

Her Wedding: Planner reveals how to be prepared for last-minute panic

Sophie Collins


If you get an accidental stain on your wedding dress, don’t panic!

After months and months of planning everything down to the last place setting, lots of brides have sleepless nights with thoughts of a mishap hampering their big day.

According to Guides for Brides, around one in five nearly-weds spend from 16 to 18 months planning every detail of their nuptials to ensure the day runs smoothly.

However, as we all know, no matter how organised and prepared we may be, last minute mishaps can still occur. 

Whether it’s a coffee stain on your crisp white dress, tension brewing between among friends and family or a sudden burst of rain threatening to spoil your outdoor reception – the potential mishaps are endless.

Georgina Rose Events founder Georgie Mitchell plans around 80 weddings a year and has all of the answers you need to avoid anything ruining your wedding.

An accidental stain to your wedding dress

This seems like the worst possible thing to happen before you’ve made that all-important walk down the aisle.

But Georgie says there is an easy way to avoid this by making sure you dress is wrapped in something and stored out of harm’s way until it’s time to put it on.

She went on to say that: “If a spill does happen, make sure you have an emergency kit on hand. Stain remover pens are really effective when applied before the stain has a chance to set in. 

“Most importantly, try to laugh. It’s unlikely a stain will be that noticeable to your guests and you can work out ways to disguise it in the photographs.”

A rip to the train or veil on the bridal gown

This is where an emergency sewing kit is an absolutely must in your bridal suite.

“Figure out who in your bridal party is good with a needle and thread and make sure they have a mini kit on them. 

“Should any rips occur, they can hopefully stitch it back together. But just like with a stain, it’s unlikely to be that noticeable to anyone else and it’s easily hidden in photographs.”

Painful wedding shoes 

For the love of god, try on your wedding shoes well in advance of the big day.

Like all of your other heels, they need a bit of breaking in before committing to a full day’s wear.

Georgie echoes this and says: “Do NOT leave trying on your shoes until the morning of the wedding. Most shoes need a little breaking in so practice makes perfect. 

“And if they’re still painful after a few wears, consider shopping around for something else. No matter how beautiful the shoe, you want to feel comfortable. 

“And most skirts on wedding dresses are so long, they’ll cover the shoe anyway!”

Squabbles between bridesmaids

Every family and friend group has a few rifts, it’s only natural.

But, Georgie says: “If there’s tension between anyone in your wedding party, address it ahead of time to make it clear that everyone must stay civil for the big day. 

“Don’t involve yourself in the drama or take sides. If drama does suddenly unfold, remove yourself from the situation and pick someone else to intervene and remind guests that your wedding day is strictly good vibes only.”

An Unexpected downpour

“Outdoor weddings are beautiful but the British weather doesn’t always play ball. So I would ALWAYS advise couples to have a Plan A and Plan B. 

“Whether that be a pop-up gazebo, or umbrellas for all the guests. If it’s just a light drizzle, you have to decide whether you’re willing to get a little wet. It could make for some unique and beautiful wedding photos so embrace it! 

“Everyone is looking at the couple to see how they react, so if you laugh it off and go with the flow, they will too.”

Make-up artist running late 

The main piece of advice here is to leave “far more time than you think you will need” according to the wedding expert.

“If they say they’ll need two hours, aim to give them four. It’s better to be ready early rather than rushing out of the door. 

“If you want to get cracking before the makeup artist arrives, you could ask a bridesmaid to help you with your skincare or blow drying your hair. Whatever speeds up the process.”

You hate your hair or makeup

Some people love when others do their makeup and others can’t stand not using their go-to products in their own way.

To avoid any upset over your makeup look on the day: “I think a trial ahead of time is always a wise idea so you can get an idea of an artist’s technique. 

“Plus, most makeup artists will discount the trial cost from their total price. If you feel like they’ve done something different to the trial or just don’t think the makeup or hair suits you on the day, communicate this and see if you can make any adjustments. 

“This is another reason why it’s best to plan to be ready early, so you have plenty of time to do any tweaks.”

The wedding speeches go on too long

“Give everyone an allotted time for their speech to start and finish and then ask them to practise it in front of someone else ahead of the day to ensure they won’t run over,” she advises.

“If it’s the father of the bride, you could ask a bridesmaid to hear it ahead of schedule. You could come up with a code word or a subtle way to alert them that their time is running out and they should wrap up. 

“If you don’t want to rush a speech, speak to your caterer to find out the plan. It may be that your desserts are served a little later or that your first dance needs to shift back a bit. No weddings stick to the timings with military precision, so don’t worry too much!”

Someone is too drunk

There’s always going to be one or two.

“If you’re worried about certain individuals hitting the free bar a little too hard, you could insist that no one has shots or spirits until after the wedding breakfast. 

“You could even close the bar during the day and ensure that it’s only welcome drinks on offer. Try not to let it spoil your day though. 

“Who hasn’t had a drunk guest at their wedding?”

