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17th Jun 2024

Here are the Bridgerton characters as south Dublin archetypes

Sarah McKenna Barry

Because you can’t tell me Eloise doesn’t go to NCAD.

Last week, I watched all three seasons of Bridgerton, and, gentle reader, I loved it. The costumes, the pageantry, the swoon – I was swept away. One sticking point for me, however was Eloise Bridgerton, played by Claudia Jessie. She is absolutely one of my faves, but I found myself unable to fall for the regency era fantasy, because this girl studies sculpture at NCAD. I mean, look at that fringe? Eloise was a Workman’s regular until it got “mad gentrified”. She read Megan Nolan’s Acts of Desperation cover to cover.

But perhaps Eloise wouldn’t be alone in the smoking area. Now, I’m aware absolutely no one asked for this, but here’s the rest of the Bridgerton cast as south Dublin archetypes.

Francesca Bridgerton

She traipses the halls of the Royal Irish Academy of Music every Saturday. She’s in a prestigious youth orchestra you’ve never heard of, and once she’s finished with rehearsals you can find her mulling around Central Bank with her pals.

Anthony Bridgerton

Works for KPMG. Worships Leinster. Wears a finance bro vest in all weathers.

Penelope Featherington

Tropical Popical regular. Semi-Twitter famous but uses a burner account.

Benedict Bridgerton

On the hunt for someone to match his freak. Loves Prosecco and Painting events.

Kate Sharma

Got Schols in Trinity, but refuses to stand for Grace at the dinners. Annihilates her debating opponents in the Phil.

Cressida Cowper

Had a small role in Fade Street back in the day, Won’t let you forget it.

Colin Bridgerton

Got up to the greatest horseplay of all time on his recent trip to Thailand.

Lady Danbury

Queen of the PTA and somehow sits on the Debs committee too. A little too involved.

The hot lady who Benedict is in a trouple with

Lives in Ranelagh. Loves an oat flat white. Absolute beast at reformer pilates.

Hyacinth Bridgerton

I’m not sure, but she’s probably been a Billie Barry kid at some point.

Earl of Kilmartin

Former CTYI kid and Accents Coffee Lounge regular.

Philippa and Prudence Featherington

You went to school with them but you now have them blocked on Instagram because they became Boss Babes.
