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11th Jun 2024

Her Health: Research shows link between ultra-processed food and chronic insomnia

Niamh Ryan

We all know that junk food and overly process foods are bad for us, but did you know that they may be affecting our sleep?

New research from Sorbonne Paris Nord University in France has shown that there may be a link between ultra-processed foods and chronic insomnia.

While we consume processed foods like milk and bread daily, ultra-processed foods have had excessive alterations.

These added oils, fats, and sugars are bad for our health already, and can cause digestive issues among other diseases.

Fizzy drinks, crisps, and anything that has an extensive ingredient list on the package is considered ultra-processed.

Researchers analysed the sleep patterns and diets of almost 40,000 adults.

By doing so, they found a strong connection between poor diet and difficulty falling asleep.

Participants received about 16% of their daily energy from eating ultra-processed foods.

19.4% of participants reported chronic insomnia.

Overall, those that suffered with chronic insomnia tended to eat more ultra-processed foods.

“Prospective research has shown that individuals adhering to nutrient-dense and fibre-rich diets have better sleep health and lower risk of insomnia,” the team reported.

“In contrast…and an increased intake of added sugars, starch, and refined grains, have been suggested as independent risk factors for insomnia incidence.”

The team of scientists aim to continue researching the connection between the two.