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04th Jun 2024

Expert advice: How to improve your back health and posture

Niamh Ryan

Having good back health and posture is crucial for our wellbeing

Back health is something so important, yet most of us probably forget about it until we pull a muscle or can’t seem to get that twinge to go away.

Chartered Physiotherapist Chris Carr spoke to Her on the importance of taking care of our backs and how to improve our posture.

According to Carr, certain everyday habits we do even without thinking may be negatively affecting our posture.

Strengthening your back muscles

“Not engaging in regular physical activity can weaken your back muscles, making it hard to maintain good posture,” Carr says.

“If muscle de-conditioning is the cause of back problems, it can be fixed through strengthening back muscles through targeted exercises.”

These exercises can be done at home, with a large selection of follow along videos available online.

Tote bags and shoulder bags

Although tote bags are on trend now, they may not be the best solution for our backs.

“Carrying heavy bags on one shoulder can cause imbalance in your muscles, leading to strain on your back and shoulders.”

Many physiotherapists recommend switching to a backpack, or alternating which shoulder you keep your tote bag on.

Carrying less in your bag is another way to off load any tension that may be affecting your posture.

Sleeping habits

Carr says there is a “two-way relationship” between poor sleep and back pain.

When we don’t get a good night’s sleep, our sensitivity to pain may be increased. In turn, having back pain can lead to poor sleep.

“Investing in a supportive mattress and practicing good sleep hygiene can help alleviate back issues,” Carr says.

Examples of good sleep hygiene are:

  • Sleeping on your back
  • Using pillows that support your neck
  • Using a body pillow
  • Establishing a nightly routine
  • Avoiding screens before bed
  • Having a consistent sleep schedule

What not to do

While we all love massages as a spa day treat, Carr advises against using massages as a temporary fix for back pain.

Carr also says that needing to crack your back excessively may indicate underlying issues.

“Neglecting back pain can lead to long-term issues and worsen your posture over time.”

According to Carr, the proper way to address your injury or posture is by going to a physiotherapist who can develop a comprehensive plan to help your symptoms and address the causative factors of your back pain.

Everyday relief for back pain

Daily movement and regular exercise can be the first steps to improving posture.

Whether it’s walking or practicing gentle yoga, moving and relaxing your back will alleviate any tension.

Maintaining healthy sleep habits is also important, as well as caring for your physical and mental health.

“It’s essential to seek professional help if you are experiencing ongoing back pain and poor posture,” Carr says.

“A physiotherapist can provide personalised guidance, exercises, and treatments to address your specific needs and prevent further complications.”

“Prevention is key when it comes to your back health.

“Taking proactive steps now can lead to a healthier and more comfortable future for your spine and overall well-being.”