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10th Jun 2024

Her Health: Suffering with regular UTIs? You might have a gut microbiota imbalance

Niamh Ryan

We’ve all experienced the pain and inconvenience of a UTI. Unfortunately for some women, they can be more prone to contract frequent UTIs.

Did you know your gut health may have an impact on recurrent UTIS?

In a recent study by Nutrients, it was found that women who had recurring UTIS also had dysbiosis of the gut.

What is dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis means that the bacteria in the stomach is unbalanced, which can cause nausea, bloating, constipation, and fatigue.

It can be caused by any interruption in the balance of microbiota, from a dietary change to high levels of stress.

According to the study: “The consumption of less than one liter of water each day, chronic alcohol use, and higher intake of processed meals that contain high calories, fats, salt, and added sugar can also lead to intestinal dysbiosis.”

The use of antibiotics also reduces the amount of good bacteria in our gut, which increases the risk of dysbiosis.

How does it relate to UTIs?

According to the study, over 70% of women with intestinal dysbiosis develop recurrent UTIs.

E. coli is one of the more common causes of UTIs.

When E. coli and other bad bacteria remains in the intestine, it can reach the urinary tract through migration or contamination. Thus, the cycle repeats itself.

Conclusions of the study

The study found a clear link between microbial dysbiosis and recurrent UTIs.

Taking prebiotics and probiotics will help restore the balance of microbiota and prevent UTIs.

Having a healthy lifestyle and doing regular exercise is also beneficial.

Things like smoking and consuming a large amount of alcohol can also negatively impact your gut.

How can we improve our gut health?

There are many tips and tricks online about how to look after your gut, but the most helpful tip is to improve your diet.

Eating fermented foods, leafy greens, and probiotic yoghurt can help balance your microbiota.

However, you should consult your GP if stomach issues persist.