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08th Jun 2016

JK Simmons looks COMPLETELY different these days

What a transformation.

Laura Holland

What a transformation.

We’re seeing more and more of these, ‘look what this celebrity looks like now’, but usually it’s about a child star or someone who hasn’t been in the limelight for some time.

Very rarely are we shocked by current star’s transformations for a role but JK Simmons took me by surprise. He looks completely different.

It’s a bit scary really. He looks like a buff Santa Clause.

He’s training for his upcoming role as Commissioner Gorden in the follow-up movie to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Just look at him, he’s 61 years of age and putting us all to shame.

He’s making me look bad. #JKSimmons #AintPlayinNoGames

A photo posted by Aaron Williamson (@aaronvwilliamson) on