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02nd Oct 2016

This is the best time of the day to shave your legs to make them last longer

Keep that stubble at bay with this new shaving schedule.  


Shaving is one of life’s little hassles.

You’d prefer not to have your legs dotted with tiny hedgehog spikes, but despite our best efforts, sometimes those pins feel more like pine needles and we’re tempted to grow out our leg hair.

While we all know the importance of waiting for ten minutes to let your hair follicles open and lathering up – changing up the time you shave could leave your legs smoother for longer.

According to beauty experts, shaving at night is the key to keep your legs smoother.

Why does a night-time shave beat the early morning shower routine?

Well, as you sleep your legs swell slightly, making your hair retreat back into its follicles.

This means that those tiny little stubbly bits you missed the first time round could retract slightly, leaving you apparently hair-free for longer.

So now you don’t need to worry about getting up early – shower the night before for silky smooth legs.