Brought to you by Perfectil
Let that inner beauty shine through.
Some of us here at Her have been taking part in the Perfectil challenge for about a month now and already — we’re impressed. Not a pesky spot in sight, not even during the time of our period, for most.
The Perfectil 90-day challenge requires we take one Perfectil beauty vitamin supplement every day for 90 days. The supplements are chock-full of healthy and sustaining vitamins that are specifically designed to work wonders on our own natural features.
When we’re feeling or looking run down, a lot of the time it’s because we might not have enough healthy vitamins running through our veins. Without these, skin becomes dry, nails get weak, and our luscious hair begins to feel dry, losing its shine.
But don’t just take our word for it.
Personal trainer Nathalie Lennon, content marketer and skincare fanatic Simone Scribes and author, presenter and female advocate Maeve Madden have opted to partake in the challenge too, adding Perfectil to their summer beauty routines and with positive results too!
Between nails breaking FAR less often than they would naturally and giving hair that extra sheen we all so crave, all by sticking with the 90-day challenge is pretty amazing. It works because Nathalie, Simone, Maeve and ourselves have been taking Perfectil each day for three months straight, ensuring an increased amount of B vitamins through our bloodstream. B vitamins/biotin helps with skin maintenance, plus it contains lots of selenium and zinc, keeping nails strong and hair nourished.
Be sure to keep up to date on Instagram with how Nathalie, Simone and Maeve are getting on throughout the challenge. They’ll be telling all and giving a full rundown as to how everything went and what changes they noticed.
So if you’re feeling like your hair isn’t quite what it used to be, or your nails are breaking, consider the 90-day Perfectil challenge.
To our own natural beauty, ladies!
Find Perfectil at your local pharmacy or health food store for only €12.99 a box.
Brought to you by Perfectil.
Perfectil’s range of beauty vitamins and minerals provide specific support to help maintain great looking skin, hair and nails all year round. Perfectil works by delivering nourishment through the bloodstream, working ‘from within’. Why not take the 90-day challenge and pick up a pack of Perfectil in your local pharmacy or health food store for only €12.99? For more information on the Perfectil range, visit the Perfectil online. Always consult your GP before taking supplements.