Brace yourself, because we may have the best beauty news of all time.
Scientists have created an anti-ageing chocolate. Yes, we said chocolate.
Esthechoc is a dark chocolate that contains a mega-boost of antioxidants and promises to create a “youthful and radiant look” for your skin.
Based on research carried out by Cambridge University, the chocolate contains Astaxanthin (a natural extract derived from algae) and Cocoa Epicatechin, both of which are said to enhance skin microcirculation and supports skin nutrition, oxygen saturation and detoxication.
Esthechoc is believed to fight age-related loss of essential skin appearance, such as firmness, radiance and softness and the company recommends that people eat a 7.5g bar each day, alongside a balanced diet, to see the full benefits.
Luxury store Harrods is among the stockists of Esthechoc and a 21-day supply will set you back £35 (approx €49).