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26th Jun 2019

Jennifer Rock is putting the ‘care into skincare’ with her incredible new range

Rebecca O'Keeffe

What a woman!

So unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you will have heard of Jennifer Rock.

Known to many as The Skin Nerd, Jennifer in the genius behind the Cleanse Off Mitt and Nerd Network.

Oh, and she’s a best selling author too (pretty impressive right?)

Anyway, as if she wasn’t busy enough, Jennifer has just launched her own skincare range. As you do.

Skingredients is a skincare collection formulated with ingredients that are clinically-proven to nourish, protect and maintain your skin.

“Skin Veg was my original dream product, and it didn’t exist in the market, so that was kind of the start.”


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My own skincare brand – WHATTT?! ?! I genuinely can hardly believe that we’ve done it. @skingredients has been two years in the making and two years of keeping secrets, dropping hints, flying over to the states, testing prototypes, making decisions, changing my mind and hustling. For those following since day 1, thank you from the bottom of my nerdie heart for your support – tonight at 7pm, I’ll be going live on @skingredients on Instagram and Facebook to give you the full rundown on the range including what the Core 4 is, the Mix + Match products, who everything is for – just eveeerything. It’s not the norm, it’s clinical and effective (of course!), colourful, fun and educational – hopefully what you would have always expected- and I am over the moon, ecstatic excited to tell you about it. Ps. Anyone who follows the @skingredients here and on Facebook until the 14th of June will be entered into a draw to win the full Skingredients® range and an online skin consultation with moi! . . . #skingredients #theskinnerd #whatsyourrecipe #skincare

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“I have spent a number of years replying to DMs on social media, and chatting with clients – and realised there was a lot of confusion in the realm of skincare. I wanted to change that with this range,” Jennifer explained to me.

The skincare line is almost like food for your face; the skin version of a balanced dinner plate, with the right amount of everything you need.

You know that you need to get protein, good fats, probiotics and vitamins into your diet – so why wouldn’t your skin need them too?

“Some people forget that your skin is an organ, and needs to be nourished,” Jennifer said this afternoon, and she’s dead right.

We feed ourselves with good food, so why shouldn’t we do the same for our skin?

Within Skingredients, you have the Core 4, the four products that everyone can, and should be using at any given time.

And when we say everyone, we mean everyone.

“It was really important for me to have an all inclusive range, that would work for all genders and ages,” Jennifer explains.

So whether you’re using it, or your dad, or even your granny – it works for everyone.

One important thing about this range is that it won’t be changing the concept behind Jennifer’s impartial, non brand linked approach to skin consultations.

“I created this range to compliment what we do. It’s a small range, so of course there will be alternatives, but that’s okay. I want it to fit it with other big brands because it works!”

Big respect.


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Eat it up. The full Skingredients® capsule skincare range is now available from @mccauleypharmacy, @carapharmacy, @brownthomas, @arnotts and @allurebeautyandspa, and will land in all 200+ of our national stockists including @chtralee, @hickeyspharma, @mccabespharmacy, @lloydspharmirl, @meagherspharmacy and @mulliganspharmacy between now and Wednesday. Your skin’s balanced dinner plate, including the Core 4: PreProbiotic Cleanse (arriving in late June), Skin Veg pre-serum + penetrant enhancer, Skin Protein vitamin A + C serum and Skin Shield mineral SPF 50+++. Tailor your daily meal with our Mix + Match products: A-HA Cleanse 2.5% lactic acid + polyhydroxy acid, Sally Cleanse 2% salicylic acid and Skin Good Fats ceramide barrier balm. What’s your recipe? – Are you a stockist? Comment down below to let the gang know where they can get Skingredients – #skingredients #whatsyourrecipe #core4 #mixandmatch #skincare #skintips #skinstagram #newskincare #new

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So, what’s next for Jennifer Rock? (I suggested a long holiday, btw!)

“To be honest, I think I need to settle in to this. It’s my third business, so I’m still getting used to everything. Plus, I have quite a bit of recruiting to do in the next few months.”

“In terms of new products, there is definitely a phase two to Skingredients, which is more fun, but still result based.”

Watch this space lads. Jennifer is taking over.

Skingredients is available online and in pharmacies nationwide now, with prices starting from €25.