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16th Apr 2014

Ask The Stylist – Lorna Weightman Talks The Tuxedo Trend

Suited and booted.

Cathy Donohue

Lorna Weightman is a fashion presenter and commentator who contributes regularly to Xposé, Ireland AM and Spin South West.

Having attended numerous fashion weeks and blogged for both Grazia Daily and The Huffington Post UK, Lorna definitely knows her style stuff.

Read on for her tips on how to borrow from the boys and take on the tuxedo trend.

Lorna says…

I have never been that big a fan of Angelina Jolie and have generally been on Team Jen since 2005. Ange had to go and do something stylish for me to change my mind about her, well her fashion sense at least.

Rewind to February, when I was in a hotel room in London listening to the sounds of the crowds at the BAFTAs taking place just a short distance away at The Opera House at Covent Garden.

While I rested from the mania that is London Fashion Week, Angelina was strolling nonchalantly along the carpet. Wearing a tuxedo and dressed in Saint Laurent, the super star looked ravishing.

EE British Academy Film Awards 2014 - Red Carpet Arrivals

Now, I don’t exactly look, or have the body or genes of the Lady Jolie, nor does my wallet even like the sound of the words Saint Laurent.

However, we can get the tux-look into our closets pretty easily, but bear in mind, there are some guidelines to follow first.

The tuxedo is NOT suitable wedding attire

Do not, I repeat, do not try and be all cool and wear a tux to a wedding. This is only permitted if you are the Groom, Best Man or one of the Groomsmen. There are certain situations when wearing an “alternative” take on trends is permitted, but not at a wedding. Stick to the dress code that the happy couple have been good enough to stipulate. That said, if you want to jazz up your outfit, try draping a tuxedo jacket over your shoulders. This is completely acceptable.

Fit is your friend

As much as you want to look fit, the tux needs to fit. Oversize, ill-fitting tailored pieces can make your body look rather disproportionate. Make sure the jacket sits on your shoulders exactly, and does not sit too wide á la 1980s Dynasty. Also, check the length of the jacket, longer styles look great with a cropped trouser and a pair of stilettoes.


Try this easy style from Topshop, reduced in the sale to just €37

Keep it clean

The tux is a classic look, so try not to overwhelm it with accessories or bright colours. It works best in a monochrome look, so opt for a crisp white shirt or blouse, to keep it smart, but sexy. Jury is still out on the undone bow tie.

Arm candy is mandatory

Not the Brad Pitt kind. Bags should be small, unfussy, and easy to carry to sit with this relaxed-chic look. I love a good clutch and adding a rectangular shape complements the clean lines of the suit.

Soft envelope clutch_Black stingray_FR_1_opt

Sophie Hulme, €450 at BT2

 Routine maintenance is essential

If you invest in a tux, or a well-tailored suit, store them in a damp-proof suit bag, and always hang, never fold. After nights on red carpets, feel free to kick off your shoes and leave them on the bedroom floor for a week, but take some time to hang the suit, it will save you plenty of trips to the dry cleaners.