Did you know clutter can have a really bad effect on our overall health?
It’s true. Living among a lot of mess and clutter can cause both stress and anxiety, which in turn can have a negative on your health, both physical and mental.
We live in a time when most have everthing we need – and then some. In fact, most of us have homes that are filled with far too many things, making it more challenging to keep it tidy and keep on top of clutter.
However, autumn is a great time for getting started with a big declutter project at home. And trust me – you’ll thank yourself once it’s done.
Wondering where to start? Here are 25 things you can safetly get rid of today – and once you have started, chances are you’ll be fired up to keep going with the rest of your house too:
1. Bras that are older that a year
Your boobs deserve to be contained in something that actually supports them and feels comfortable to wear – and doens’t look like it was washed four million times. Bin those manky old bras and treat yourself to some new ones.
2. Old CDs
Got Spotify? Then you can safely down-size that CD collection.
3. Old DVDs
Thanks to Netflix, streaming, Disney Life etc., there is no need to have your DVD collection take this much space. Go through them and be ruthless.
4. Old baby clothes
Unless you are planning to add to your family, go through the mountains of baby stuff you have in your attic and keep only the few really sentimental items. The rest can be donated to families who need them (if in good condition) or thrown into a clothing recycling bin.
5. Unmatched socks
If they haven’t been part of a pair for a few weeks now, chances are the other sock is never going to turn up. Bin them.
6. Old Teflon-plated cookware
Did you know that the materials they use to create your non-stick cookware (Teflon being one of the more popular ones) actually is all sorts of harmful to human health, because it often ends up in your food – and hence in your body? This becomes an even bigger problem when the pans are older and have had some scrapes – meaning more chemicals come into contact with your food and end up inside you. BIN THEM.
7. Faded and washed-out bedlinens
Go through the hot press and take out anything that looks like it has seen better days. While you are at it, do the same with your towels. Before you toss it, check with local animal shelters if they need it. If not, bin the lot.
8. Old Condiment Packets
All those mini packets of ketchup and mayo in your fridge? Throw them out.
9. Plastic shopping bags
It is 2019 – and time to rethink our platic use. Invest in some reusable shopping bags (cotton, canvas etc.) and take your plastic ones to be recycled.
10. Tacky holiday souvenirs
Do you really need that porcelain flamingo you got in Florida a decade ago? Or those fridge magnets from Mallorca?
11. Plastic cutlery
Got a ton of plastic cutlery in your kitchen drawer that you have brought home or had delivered with your takeaways? Listen to me: You are never going to need it. Also – it sucks for the environment, looks shit and if you really want to have some on-the-go cutlery for those summer picnics, invest in some bamboo cutlery.
12. Old hair ties
Take stock of your hair ties – nobody needs five million of these. Keep a few, make sure they are in good condition, and throw the rest in the bin.
13. Plastic food storage tubs
Did you know you really should not be storing – or re-heating – your food in plastic containers? Throw the lot in a plastic recycling bin, and invest in some pyrex (glass) containers for your left-overs.
14. Old paperbacks you won’t read again
You don’t need these clogging up your shelves. Donate, either to friends or to a second hand store near you.
15. Old makeup and moisturizers
The average pot of face cream has a shelf life of just six months once opened. Some even just three months. What this means is that you probably have a ton of old tubs and pots in your bathroom cabinets that can be binned today. And as for makeup – did you know using mascara that is older than six months can lead to an eye infection? True words.
16. Chipped plates and dishes
Why are these even still in your kitchen? BIN NOW.
17. Expired spices
Take stock – and throw out anything that is past its ‘best by’ date.
18. Old bulbs and batteries
Pull out all the ones that are dead, and bring them to a recycling place near you.
19. Clothes that don’t fit or that you don’t wear anymore
If you haven’t worn it in the last six months, chances are vast you’ll never wear it again. Donate.
20. Pens that don’t work
Take stock of that overflowing drawer of office supplies. Nobody needs 27 pens. Especially ones that don’t work anymore.
21. Old cards
This one is an emotional minefield, but you’ll feel better once it’s done. Let yourself keep a few cards (especially if from a now-departed loved one) that are meaningful, but recycle the rest.
22. Old magazines
You probably don’t have time to re-read them anyway.
23. Wire hangers
They look ugly hanging in your wardrobe, and do nothing for keeping the shape of your shirts and tops. Recycle them today.
24. Plastic hangers
The less plastic in our homes, the better. Recycle these, and invest in velvet hangers, which are slim enough to take up very little room in your wardrobe, and will also help keep the shape of your clothes better. Another plus? Velvet hangers will avoid things slipping off the hangers and ending up in the bottom of your wardrobe.
25. Shoes you can’t walk in
Why would you, as a grown woman, still have shoes in your wrdrobe that hurt your feet? Give to a friend who wants them, sell them or donate to charity.
(Feature image via Amber Interiors/Instagram)