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24th May 2024

Sister of M50 crash victim praises people who stayed with her brother

Kat O'Connor

Derek Martin sadly passed away in a motorbike accident on the M50

The sister of Derek Martin has spoken out about the people who helped her brother before his untimely passing.

His sister Helen heard that a group of people gathered around her brother following the accident so he wasn’t alone.

Writing on Twitter, Helen praised them for being there for him in his final moments.

She shared, “I’ve just been told that when my brother passed away on the M50 on Friday several cars stopped and people sat around him until the ambulance came so he wasn’t alone, I really want to find them if people can please share.”

Others also used their cars to protect Derek from people trying to record the aftermath of the accident.

She told The Independent, “We were told that a lot of bystanders stopped their cars, and unfortunately there were some people that were trying to record the accident taking videos and pictures and stuff.

“There was a couple of really good people that used their cars as a barricade to block that from happening and they stayed with my brother and they were there with him so that he wasn’t alone.”

Helen explained that she posted about the kind strangers online because she wanted to thank them for what they did.

She said it’s comforting to know that there are still incredible humans out there.

“It’s so nice to know that there are really incredible human beings out there that would do something so kind.

“[They] put themselves in danger because I’m sure the M50 was absolutely mental that day.”

Derek Martin, a prison guard from Ballymun, has been fondly remembered by his family and friends.

The dad-of-two will be laid to rest on Monday, May 27th.

We’re keeping his loved ones in our thoughts during this harrowing time.

