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14th Feb 2015

There’s Always One! Irishman’s Hilarious 50 Shades Confession On Graham Norton Last Night

Fair play to him!


A brave man… 

The Graham Norton Show was wonderful as always last night, at the host was joined by funnyman Stephen Mangan, actress Julie Walters and man of the moment Jamie Dornan.

Norton discussed all things 50 Shades with Dornan before throwing a question out to the male members of the audience – “how many men have read the books”.

As the saying goes ‘there’s always’, a lone wolf put up his hand and admitted to reading the raunchy series and of course, he was Irish.

Mayo man Daniel Igoe was the only man brave enough to confess to reading the erotic fiction.

Norton asked the Foxford native just what he thought of the books, his response had Christian Grey himself doubled over laughing.

Check out the brilliant clip of Dornan eating a piece of a life-size Christian Grey cake baked by an audience member.