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06th Nov 2013

Out Cold: Drunk Man Wakes Up To Find Himself In A Body Bag

This is one hangover that you would simply never forget...


Christy Moore has a song about delirium tremens, which sums up perfectly the worst possible places that the mind drifts too when suffering from an unmerciful hangover. One thing he doesn’t sing about though, is waking up in a body bag. Even the worst case of the dreaded ‘fear’ wouldn’t do that to a person.

For one man in Piotrkow, Poland this nightmare was a reality, as he woke up to find himself inside a zipped up body bag. No we’re not joking.

56-year-old Marek Michalski had passed out cold after a heavy session on the booze.

After passerby thought the man was dead, authorities were contacted and Michalski was declared dead after paramedics were  unable to find a pulse.

The polish man was then transported to a nearby morgue where he later came round to find himself in, hands down, the worst possible situation ever.

“I remember sitting on a bench and the next thing I woke up in a morgue,” Michalski told local media.

Michalski let out a few shrieks for help before he managed to free himself.

Since then, poor old Marek has had several nightmares that he is being “sliced up by doctors who don’t realise I’m alive.” We don’t even want to imagine.

The man fully intends to sue the hospital, which defends its staff saying they believed he was dead and followed appropriate procedures by placing him inside a body bag.

We’re sure he’d love this Christy number. All together now. Goodbye to the port and brandy…
