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13th Jun 2016

The German manager seemed to touch his penis and sniff it mid-game


Nooruddean Choudry

Yes, you read that correctly.

Joachim Low, revered and respected manager of the German national team, has grossed out fans and viewers everywhere with his weird touchline behaviour. We thought sweaty pits were the lowest of the Low but we were so sooo wrong.

Those watching around the world were disgusted to view the head coach carefully reach into the front of his trousers, make contact with whatever it was that he was rummaging for, and then go on to have a good hard sniff of his fingers.

We’d love to give you an alternative scenario to him measuring the cheesiness of his little Joachim’s helmet, but we’re at a loss. There doesn’t seem to be any other explanation…

If that wasn’t bad enough, Low also seemed to reach around in the back of this pants and find something down that particular crevice that he subsequently played with and *vomit* rolled into a ball…

Low behaviour indeed. Please Joachim, hands off your Mannschaft for the remainder of the Euros.