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02nd Jul 2024

Her Money: How would you want your tax money to be spent?

Sophie Collins

This is something everyone thinks about at one point or another

If you were in charge for a day, what would you put people’s hard-earned money into to improve the country?

Ireland is a great place to live, but there are always going to be differing opinions when it comes to the allocation of tax money in Ireland.

Seeing that hefty sum of money leave your payslip every month can be… upsetting. But if we knew exactly where it was going, would we would feel better about it?

We took to the streets of Dublin to ask what people what they would want their tax money focused on if they had a say:

More Funding for Housing and Social Services

“More funding for houses and on Social Services – much more yeah,” was the first suggestion of the day.

The urgent need for increased investment in housing and social services resonates strongly with many people.

The housing crisis and the need for better social support are top priorities for residents seeking tangible improvements in their communities.

“Provision for housing and more money where we could see where it’s been spent – like in areas that we’re clearly all concerned about,” a man said.

“I think the main thing would just be accountability, where the money is spent?”

More Transparency

He went on to use the bottle return scheme as an example.

“It’s a private company. So where the extra money that’s not collected by the people goes into the private companies’ pocket and not into helping services or recycling in general. 

“Whoever sets these things up needs to look into them properly.” 

Transparency and accountability in government spending are crucial for public trust. 

People want to see clear evidence of how their tax money is being used to better the place, especially in critical areas like housing and environmental initiatives.

Health and Transport

 “Housing, health, and transport, especially for the city centre, it’s not up to par really.” 

There’s a strong desire for improvements in essential services. 

Many believe that better housing, healthcare, and transportation systems, particularly in urban areas, would significantly enhance the quality of life.

Support for Those in Need

A fourth person said: “I would like my tax money to be given to the people who need it the most, I’d say.” 

Ensuring that tax funds are directed towards helping the most vulnerable members of society is a common sentiment. 

People want to see a fair distribution of resources to those who need them most.


“Look there’s a lot of crisis going on between homelessness and housing crisis so maybe towards there.” 

The homelessness and housing crisis are critical issues that many believe should be a top priority for government spending. 

Addressing these crises could provide stability and security for many struggling people and families.


“I’d love a bit more on public transport and not gonna lie and affordable housing.” 

Investments in public transport and affordable housing are seen as essential for creating more livable and sustainable communities. 

Improved public transportation can reduce congestion and pollution, while affordable housing can alleviate financial pressures on families.

The message is clear; people want their tax contributions to make a real and positive impact on their lives and communities.

