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02nd Jul 2024

Natasha O’Brien welcomes appeal of Cathal Crotty’s suspended sentence

Kat O'Connor

Natasha O’Brien said the DPP’s decision ‘buoyed’ her

Natasha O’Brien has spoken out after the DPP (The Director of Public Prosecutions) decided to appeal Cathal Crotty’s suspended three-year sentence.

There was a major uproar after Crotty was given what many believed to be a lenient sentence last month.

“Crotty brutally attacked Ms. O’Brien in the May of 2022. She lost consciousness and sustained severe emotional distress.”

According to the Irish Daily Mail, O’Brien said that the “right thing is being done now”.

However, she stressed that there is a long way to go for her and all abuse victims.

She said this is a step forward, but she is going to keep going.

“The amount of victims that have come forward to me with sentencing horror stories, and their convicted (abusers) walking free, with no hope of an appeal, is quite frightening.”

“I am almost certain that there are a far greater number of unduly lenient sentences that don’t get to that point.”

Ms. O’Brien believes the waves of public support she has received helped make this happen.

“I know the DPP is impartial to public opinion and government opinion, however, I have no doubt there would not have been an appeal had there not been a national uproar,” she added.

It is believed the appeal won’t be heard until October or November, but O’Brien has welcomed the news nonetheless.

“It is legislation and sentencing guidelines that need to change to allow for more of this, when judges are not – in my opinion – conducting fair sentences,” Ms O’Brien said.

She stressed that she will continue speaking out because nothing will change if we don’t have these vital conversations.


