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14th Feb 2024

Astrology: Your Mars Return may be to blame for your mood

Jody Coffey


Is your mood up and down lately? Maybe it’s just a bad day or maybe it’s your Mars Return.

The Mars Return refers to Mars returning to the sign it was in when you were born.

If you’re wondering what this may mean for you, it’s good, but it may feel bad while you’re going through it.

However, it’s the good kind of bad.

To explain, Saturn and Honey, describe a Mars Return event as a “potent, electrifying biennial period of action, excitement, and movement; stress, overextension, and overwhelm; and major forward momentum”.

Sound familiar to recent moods?

If so, it’s also not the first time you’ve been through one of these major upheavals as our first Mars Return happens approximately two and a half years after we are born AKA when we enter the terrible twos, a time of turbulence, tantrums, and tears.

If this theory is to be believed, because of Mars’ orbit, we should expect a Mars Return once every two and half years, meaning it’s not the beginning nor it is the end.

According to astrologer Francesca Oddie, the return of the Red Planet forces us to go ‘to war’ for what we really want.

“If Mars is ‘God of War’, then it gives us what we want, what makes us passionate, what gives us drive, energy, what we go for, what we fight for, what we get mad about.

“That’s Mars. So when we have our Mars Return we’re like a toddler but older and much more sophisticated and less temperamental, so we can go for it.

“It’s an energy surge.”

In astrology, Mars is a planet associated with ambition, drive, movement, vitality and change, adding support to this claim that it forces us to go through discomfort to reach our goals and improve ourselves.

So, if you find yourself going through a period of turbulence or discomfort, it may just be Mars making its return to drive you towards your goals.