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26th Jan 2015

Caught In A Jam: French Court Rule Parents Can’t Name Their Children Nutella And Strawberry

We're thinking this could be a key reason why Gwynnie never setlled in France.


Celebrities are usually to blame for crazy children’s names, but one French court has banned parents who want to name their babies Nutella and Fraise (Strawberry).

The couple from Valenciennes was in court following a report made by the local registrar to police, after they tried to file the child’s name Nutella last September.

According to La Voix du Nord newspaper, the judges in the case ruled that giving the girl the “name of a chocolate spread” was not in the child’s best interests, and might “lead to mockery and unpleasant remarks.”

When the parents decided not to appear at their hearing, the judge ruled that the girl will be renamed Ella.

This is the second time the court in Valenciennes has refused parents to call their child a unique name. Another couple were also turned away for trying to call their child Fraise earlier this month. 

The parents instead opted to call their daughter Fraisine, a name popular in the 19th century.

Although French parents are entitled to choose their own children’s names, a registrar has the right to report any parent who picks a name that could be considered against the child’s interest.

We’re thinking this could be a key reason why Gwyneth Paltrow never settled in France.