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09th Aug 2016

Remember Ian from ‘What A Girl Wants’? He’s all grown up now

He's a ride!

Rebecca Keane

Ah, the noughties.

The noughties were a special time.

We had Gilmore Girls and Buffy the Vampire Slayer among other shows to entertain us, and there were a serious amount of films that were so cringy yet great, all made in the noughties.

One such film that had a huge cult following was What a Girl Wants, starring Amanda Bynes.

2003’s What A Girl Wants featured Amanda Bynes as Daphne, an American teenager who set out to find her father and landed in Britain but she ends up falling in love with Ian Wallace, a guitar playing smooth-talking British lothario.

Who could forget this (slightly cringe) line?

Yes, the line that made us ALL swoon. I remember wanting to batter Daphne for getting to kiss him. *sigh*

Well the good news is, actor Oliver James who played Ian, has grown up to be an extremely handsome fella.

Oliver is now 36 years old and according to his Twitter, spends his time as an “actor, writer, musician and thinker of things”. Dishy.

In 2004, Oliver appeared in Raise Your Voice with Hilary Duff but other than that, his acting roles have been pretty minute.

People seemingly still have the hots for the English hunk even 13 years on…