It may be chilly outside but Lush is well and truly getting ready for Easter.
And one thing we are major fans of here in Her HQ, is a good bath bomb regardless of the weather.
And the latest selection of offerings from Lush are both ascetically pleasing and sweet smelling for a relaxing dip in the bath.
Never used a bath bomb before? Well you are in for a serious treat with this lot.
Poisson D’Avril
April Showers
Bunch of Carrots
Free Rangers
Wash Behind Your Ears
Golden Egg
Creme Egg
Seven Deadly Spins
All the collection is available online here now.
And besides these gorge bath bombs, it looks like there is another reason why you should think of running a bath this evening – it looks like a good soak can do wonders for your health. New research has found that baths have a positive impact on our blood sugar control and therefore help to burn calories.
Dr Steve Faulker of Loughborough University says that ‘passive heating’ while helpful with burning off calories, can also help combat chronic inflammation conditions.
Want to know more? You can read all about it here. Incredible.