Today’s ‘Pic of the Day’ comes from the terrifying lovely coast of Kerry.
Stephen Lynott, who according to our brothers over at JOE describes himself as being “just like Usain Bolt. Except not fast”, sent in an image that has left us with an new found fear of water.
Below Stephen captured a large shark approaching an unassuming Irish surfer on South Kerry’s coast.
As it turns out, Stephen who knows both the surfer and shark in question and informed JOE that “the surfer is called Niall Hogan and I’ve christened the shark Finbarr O Muircheartaigh.”
@JOEdotie nothing like hanging out with a basking shark of a Thursday
— Stephen Lynott (@StephenLynott) May 1, 2014
It’s official, we’re never getting the water ever again.
This story has us singing this next song on repeat.
Remember this hit?! ‘Ooooooooohhhhhh, car wash, car wash…’