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09th Nov 2015

INMO To Ballot Nurses On Strike Action Due To “Continuing Overcrowding” At Hospitals Nationwide

"It’s very regrettable, but we are determined to protect our members."


The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) will ballot nurses across the country on possible strike action as the overcrowding crisis at hospitals nationwide continues.

The INMO has stated that the ballot is taking place as the issue of overcrowding has not been addressed and that as a result, the safety of nurses and patients is being compromised.

“We’re balloting in protest at the continuing overcrowding, the failure to address it, the excessive workloads facing our members,” said General Secretary Liam Doran.

“This is a long time coming, it’s very regrettable, but we are determined to protect our members and ensure they can practice safely and I think the patients will fully support us.”


“The patients are being compromised more than anyone else because of the persistent overcrowding that’s happening.”

A statement on the INMO website added: “It is quite clear that members have had enough, are grossly overworked and concerned about safe practice.

“Members do not feel that sufficient attention is being paid, either by management locally or nationally, to this crisis.”

It is believed that if members vote in favour of the action, it could result in a massive strike in the run up to Christmas.

According to the INMO, there were almost 80,000 patients admitted to hospital on trolleys in the first ten months of 2015.