The easiest way to peel potatoes is finally here.
There’s nothing worse than coming home, freezing cold from work and having to cook something for dinner and seeing a heap of potatoes just waiting to be peeled.
Potato peeling is a tedious, soul-destroying exercise which can often leave your hands looking dirty and if you’re an awful peeler like I am, you can be left with scabby bloody hands from not being able to concentrate.
Even after you’re done the process of peeling, you then have to wait for your newly peeled babies to boil, so if you’re absolutely MARVIN’ it’s extremely annoying.
Luckily for you, us and potato peelers everywhere, there has been an easy solution uncovered which means we can say ta-ta to the traditional way of peeling ‘taters.
Going from this video, a better way to peel your spuds is easy as pie, by cutting a small incision into the skin before boiling them.
When your potatoes are ready, you can simply squeeze off your skins and hey presto! Clean, skinless spuds at your service.