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08th Aug 2014

VIDEO: This Irish Groom Had a Major Surprise for his New In-Laws

That's one thing the guests weren't expecting...

Rebecca McKnight

Look, if we knew he had a voice like this we’d have snapped him up too… but it turns out no one knew! 

David Lillis wed love of his life Hailey Kierse last week in county Clare. Following the “I dos”, the groom surprised his guests and new in-laws with an amazing rendition of a musical classic. There to lend a hand, and voice, were David’s two sisters, his father, his best man and three talented friends.

David’s sister Ruth shared the lovely video with us, and it’s worth watching for the reaction to the singing groom alone! Ruth tells us that most of his new in-laws had no idea he could sing. They certainly do now!

Congrats David and Hailey, here’s hoping you have a long and happy married life together.

Hat Tip: Thanks so much to David’s sister Ruth for sending this one our way. If you’ve spotted something weird or wonderful you think should feature on, get in touch! You’ll find us on Twitter here, on Facebook here or you can drop us a line to [email protected]!