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06th Jun 2024

‘You go back to work and you’re still doing it all’ – Louise McSharry reflects on the inequality of parenthood


Louise McSharry on Mother with Keelin Moncrieff

Mother, a brand new pod brought to you by Her and HerFamily, launched this week

The first episode of, Mother, a podcast hosted by Keelin Moncrieff and brought exclusively to you by Her and HerFamily, landed on streaming services, and, with it, brings important discussion about the impacts of motherhood to the fore.

Keelin’s debut guest is none other than broadcasting legend and mum, Louise McSharry, who joins our host to delve into one key issue of parenthood in Ireland: parental leave.

“I personally think that as a country we should be taking a completely different approach to parental leave,” the radio DJ tells Moncrieff.

Louise is a boy mom to her two sons, Sam and Ted, and she is no stranger when it comes to calling attention to the trials and tribulations of parenting.

In Mother’s opening episode, Louise reflects on the early days of parenthood and how differently this life-changing journey begins for men and women.

She continues: “I think that the only way we’re actually going to have equalities in our houses — and also at work — is if men also take parental leave — the same amount that women take — because what happens is, in my opinion, you’re on maternity leave, so, you obviously are organising the doctor’s appointments or you’re buying the nappies, and you’re doing the formula.

“If that’s what you’re doing, you’re doing all those tasks because you’re not working, like essentially, your full-time job at that time is to parent. So, you do it all. Then you go back to work and then you’re still doing it all because that’s the rhythm and that’s what’s been set. That’s how your family works.”

The broadcaster says she perceived an imbalance of equality in her relationship after becoming parents, something she urges women to ‘really fight against’ in order to ‘reset’ what has been ‘set up’ for new mums.

“I found it quite hard. I find the impact on my relationship hard in terms of equality,” Louise admitted.

“I remember feeling like a feminist ire about things and because I just felt like it was set up so that women just would end up doing almost everything and I think that that is what happens in most relationships.”

As well as discussing the imbalances in parental work in the first episode of Mother, Louise and Keelin also delve into the pressure to be perfect and maintain friendships post-kids.

Mother launches today (June 6th) and is available on listen on Spotify and Apple.

Each week, Keelin Moncrieff and a very special guest will discuss the impact becoming a mother has on our lives, careers, sense of self and how we’re perceived by the world. Keep an eye on Her and HerFamily’s socials – we think you’re going to love it.