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07th Feb 2024

Seven erogenous zones for women to spice up your sex life

Anna Martin

Erogenous Zones

Erogenous zones sound like some space-age quarantine

The reality is the exact opposite, instead of ‘do not touch’ they are more of a ‘please do touch’, of course with consent.

Erogenous zones are particular areas of the body with heightened sensitivity, that when touched in the right way can build arousal, enhance sexual pleasure, and help you or your partner achieve orgasm which, let’s be real is what we all want.

Now you may start thinking of the obvious areas after reading that but there are more places, many you would never expect that can help things get hot and heavy.

Spice up your foreplay (which there can NEVER be enough of) by exploring these new zones but remember that not everyone will react the same way so communication is key.

Belly button and lower abdomen

Erogenous Zones
Credit: Getty

The belly button and lower stomach are sensitive areas near the genital region so much so that touching it the right way can even stimulate the G-spot from the outside.

The delicate skin makes this an extra-sensitive area, so have a partner use their hands or tongue on it (and maybe move lower when you’re ready.)


A whisper, a nibble or a touch on the earlobes can give you that feeling of butterflies when done right.

Let’s not forget the role that sounds play in sex, never underestimate the power of some good dirty talk.


Erogenous Zones
Credit: Getty

You might not be used to being touched there, especially the inside of the wrist, can be an exciting spot.

Caress the skin with your fingertips while looking at your partner suggestively from across the table, or anywhere else for that matter, when trying to set the mood.

Already in the throes of passion? Try intertwining your fingers with theirs and graze the skin on their inner wrists with your lips and the tip of your tongue.

Behind the knee

It may sound strange but don’t knock it till you try it, behind the knees might hold the key to a great orgasm (or you know a few whatever floats your boat.)

Touching the back of the knees and leading up to the thighs is intimate… and it gets you closer to the grand finale if you will.

Plus when you think of how often you’ve actually been touched behind the knees, it’s kind of intimate.


Erogenous Zones
Credit: Getty

Some people are already privy to this knowledge but if you’re not it could be a good one to give a go if you know what we mean.

How to make the most of this erotic area? Ask your partner how they would like to be touched there. Hard? Soft? Let them choose. A little spanking makes the world go round.

Bottom of feet and toes

There’s a reason why so many people have a foot fetish. Pressure points in the bottom of the feet can increase blood flow and enhance feelings of arousal when manipulated just right.

Experiment with different pressures when massaging the feet, starting light and working your way deeper until you find what works. Even try licking and sucking your partner’s toes.

Inner arms and armpits

Credit: Getty

Now, you’re probably wondering how in the name of God are armpits considered sexy, just stick with me for a second.

Well, just look at Dirty Dancing, that scene where Johnny runs the back of his hand down Baby’s arm, grazing her armpit.

She giggles at first, but once she gets past the tickle response, things escalate.

Run your fingertips, your tongue, or even a feather slowly along the inner arm to the armpit.