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23rd Feb 2015

Fighting Fit: The Green Juice Recipe For Battling Migraines

Pounding headache? Read on...


Whether you’re attempting to fit your five fruit and vegetables into your daily diet, or maybe your healthy kick downfall is snacking on chocolate, homemade juices and smoothies can be an easy way of staying full without piling on the pounds.

Making your own juice recipe isn’t hard as long as you have a decent juicer and fresh fruit and vegetables.

With added benefits of fresh vitamins and minerals, we’re going look at a new recipe each week to help you stay fighting fit.

This week… a green juicing recipe to help tackle migraines


  • 4 kale leaves
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 3 celery stalks with leaves
  • 1 knuckle size of ginger root
  • 1 cucumber (peeled if not organic)
  • 2 fuji apples


  1. Chop the ingredients into chunks, leaving the skin on (but peeling the orange). Put into blender or juicer.
  2. Add the parsley, tearing it up in your hand and breaking down any stalks.
  3. Turn on blender and blitz. Add water if consistency is too thick for your taste.

Health Benefits:

Kale is a great source of calcium and fibre – which helps manage blood sugar and helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. For migraines, increasing your intake of foods that are rich in magnesium and calcium will help prevent and relieve headaches.

As well as being a rich source of antioxidants, celery is also known to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cancer.

The spinach adds a sweet taste, while also being packed with calcium and magnesium which is essential for healthy bones.
Recipe via Mindbodygreen