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04th Jun 2015

Could This Simple Tip Stop You From Feeling Tired?!

To be fair, this sounds pretty easy!

Cathy Donohue

We do our best to put in a productive day at the office but the mid-evening slump can be a real struggle.

While it’s very tempting to opt for a sugar hit and reach for the chocolate there’s actually a much better alternative.

A new book entitled The Exhaustion Breakthrough discusses the different causes of fatigue and the steps we can take to deal with tiredness.

Interestingly, author Holly Phillips maintains that it’s the “quality, not quantity” of sleep that matters.

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In conversation with Refinery 29, Holly went on to say that a  ten-minute walk is one of the best existing energy-boosters.

Speaking about a recent study: “In one study looking at mid-afternoon energy slumps, one group ate a candy bar and the other group took a 10-minute walk.

“Just a couple minutes later, both groups felt like they had more energy. But, the people who took a 10-minute walk had more lasting energy So, two hours later, they still felt a little bit better than they had beforehand”.

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Holly then went on to extoll the many benefits of walking saying that it helps you “breathe more deeply, increases your pulse rate and gets oxygen to your brain”.

H/T Refinery 29