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02nd Apr 2016

Confusion Among Locals As Sex Toys Wash Up On County Clare Beach

Nobody has owned up thus far...

Megan Cassidy

Come on guys, who was it? 

The seaside village of Quilty Co. Clare has been left utterly bewildered as a “spate” of sex toys have washed up on their beach.

Local man Martin Kelleher was walking his dogs on the beach when he found a bright pink rampant rabbit after his dog began licking the object (mayday).

Screenshot 2016-04-02 13.43.52

The Rampant Rabbit, via Ann Summers

He told The Sun: 

“It’s a good thing there were no ladies around or there might have been a fight for it.

“You wouldn’t know where it’s come from. There’s a few fishermen around but I doubt it has come from any of their boats.

“I posted the pictures online and a few people were joking that I’d found the Easter bunny.”

Suspiciously Coincidentally, this is not the first time Martin has found an X-rated object on the small beach.

He continued: “There’s been a spate of them. I found another one on the same beach just before Christmas. That one was a bit more lifelike. I can’t explain it.”

Coincidence? Maybe.