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04th Jun 2016

A true Cinderella story has emerged from this weekend’s Forbidden Fruit festival

Is this YOUR SHOE?

Rebecca Keane

There’s nothing like a real-life fairytale.

Watching films as kids, we all were guilty of wishing we were Pocahontas, Snow White or even Cinderella.

Following Friday night’s musical festivities at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham, the hunt for a real-life Cinderella is on.

Forbidden Fruit festival goer Seamus Flynn posted a picture to the Ticket Drop Facebooklooking for one girl to fit into a missing shoe.

The Facebook page is normally used to easily sell or seek tickets for events at lower prices or at last minute.

The quick-witted Cork student is looking for a girl who left her shoe behind at the festival – but only at a price.

The gas picture captioned “One 5.5 woman’s converse that hit me on the back of my head at Dizzee Rascal” is selling for a nifty €100.

100 quid for one shoe that you threw at someone? Absolute BARGAIN.

shoeThe Cinderella in question has not been found, but if you saw anyone limping around with only one, there’s a chance they can still get it back.

All images via Facebook