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21st May 2024

‘Sunbeds are the worst things in the world’ – Under 35s using sunbeds increase their risk of cancer by 75%

Kat O'Connor

We need to stop glamourising sunbeds in Ireland

The thought of using a sunbed is something that has always baffled me. That famous Final Destination scene may have heavily influenced my poor opinion of them, but as I’ve grown up I’ve realised just how harmful they can be.

The stats are glaring at us but people continue to turn a blind eye to just how dangerous sunbeds are. They may help you tan and can even heal skin conditions like acne and psoriasis, but at what cost?

A study has confirmed that sunbed users under the age of 35 are increasing their risk of developing skin cancer by 75%.

Far too many people could see themselves being diagnosed with melanoma all because of a tan.

The Skin Cancer Foundation is now urging people to reconsider using sunbeds before the damage is done.

Speaking out about the study, beauty journalist Simone Gannon said: “That is absolutely terrifying. Do not use sunbeds. For the love of God, I know they’re having a resurgence right now and it’s absolutely terrifying. They are the worst things in the world.”

@simonescribes #sunbeds ♬ original sound – Simone

In the study, the team analysed a group of 63 women who had been diagnosed with melanoma before the age of 30. They discovered that 61% of the women involved used tanning beds.

And I couldn’t agree with her more. The fact that sunbeds are still legal in Ireland is a major concern, but what worries me even more is the fact that they’re becoming popular again.

Sunbeds are not only popular but they’re being glamourised again

So much so that people are celebrating and glamourising them because they’re giving their skin a beautiful golden glow, but they’re failing to acknowledge the fact that they’re also increasing their risk of cancer for the sake of looking tan.

The team stressed that the public needs to open their eyes to the dangers of sunbeds.

They believe there is a widespread public misunderstanding of the negative effects of indoor tanning.

“A common misconception among indoor tanners is that artificial UVR produces a “safer” tan than outdoor sunlight. This belief is contradicted by scientific evidence and must be addressed in order to effectively reduce the burden of indoor tanning on health outcomes worldwide.

“Exposure to UVR from indoor tanning devices has been shown to cause DNA damage in skin cells, and is associated with an increased risk of developing melanoma, and squamous and basal cell carcinomas.”

We could reduce the chances of developing skin cancer so why has the Government not stepped in and banned sunbeds? A country where skin cancer is the most common form of cancer with 13,000 cases being diagnosed every year.