First of all, is it a biscuit or a cake?
Secondly, are you a fan of the original zesty orange flavour because if so, you might like this news, otherwise I wouldn’t get too excited.
Jaffa Cakes has announced the launch of a citrusy new flavour swapping the traditional orange for lemon and lime.
Now… why I’m not getting too excited is because I personally do not like the original flavour Jaffa Cake. I usually LOVE orange chocolate but the consistency and taste of the humble Jaffa never sat well with me, so I can’t really imagine it being any better with another flavour since it still contains that gooey layer, gug. BUT if you’re the opposite of me then you may welcome this news with open arms.
The last time McVities tried to “experiment” with a new flavour of Jaffa Cakes – both lovers and haters of the snack did not take to the new product and it was quickly removed from supermarket shelves, receiving a big thumbs down.
Do you remember them? They were in both strawberry and blackcurrant flavour.
BUT, as they say – if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. And that is what McVities is doing with their brand new lemon and lime flavour and its Halloweeney-esque packaging (OK, I’ll stop judging now).
Will it sink or sail? Who knows, that is up to you to decide. Full moon… half moon… total eclipse.