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07th Jun 2018

You can now get a pizza bouquet for your wedding and we’re starving just thinking about it

Jade Hayden

Suddenly not totally against the idea of getting married.

There’s a lot of things to look forward to when you’re getting married.

You get to wear a pretty dress. You have your hair and makeup professionally done. Everyone pays you all of the attention for the entirety of the day.

And you get to wed the love of your life but whatever, that’s basically inconsequential.

The one thing that most people probably look forward to most though when it comes to weddings is the food.

Some notable key players include vol au vents, sea bass, and chicken supreme – all delicious, all worth indulging in.

Sadly, however, none of the above can be consumed when you’re actually walking down the aisle, which is a crying shame considering food is best served when you’re in the middle of one of the most important moments of your life.

That was, until, the pizza bouquet.

A wedding bouquet made entirely out of pizza bits instead of flowers – the ultimate dream, fantasy, and basically greatest thing to have ever passed your lips, really.

The bouquet is the brainchild of the guys over at Villa Italian Kitchen and includes mini pizzas, rolled up pizzas, little tomatoes on toothpicks, and teeny slices.

It’s also got pepperoni on there but we’re sure they’d drop as veggie version if you asked nicely.

The restaurant is also giving away some free pizza bouquets for upcoming weddings in the US too, which is pretty nice of them considering we’d honestly pay top dollar for something this delicious and handy.

Just going to book a few flights there.

Feature image via Villa Italian Kitchen.