Adam off Love Island a lot younger than he looks, acts or should be allowed to be
I likely don’t need to remind you that last night’s Love Island bore witness to the most shocking and savage reality TV moment to air since whatever the last savage and shocking moment on reality TV was. It was brutal is what I’m saying, really fucking brutal.
Yes, Kendall and Niall’s whirlwind one-day reality TV constructed romance was cut short when Adam Collard chose to pair up with the girl instead. Cue shock face and snake emojis being sent in Whatsapps across the country.
Kendall cried. Niall looked he was about to cry. And Adam just sat with the aura of sociopathic nonchalance you expect from a man far more handsome than you will ever, ever be.
“It’s Love Island and I know what I want and I get what I want. I wanted her,” he explained – “and as Ivan Drago once said ‘If he dies, he dies’,” his manner seemed to add.
But whilst Niall used the word ‘like’ a lot and talked about his ‘chat’ and the newly anointed reality TV constructed couple went off to get to know each other under candlelight and then, again, talk about the ‘big chat’ they had, something else was on the mind of Twitter users. Adam’s age.
Because, I’m not shitting you here, whilst he might look like a fully grown, six-packed man, it turns out that the Geordie personal trainer is just 22 years old. As everyone on social media was pointing out…
The only way Adam is 22 is if he was born on a leap year. #LoveIsland
— Jack P (@JPoynter91) June 4, 2018
The new series will be the longest running ever and has had new regulations introduced, including a ban on smoking on camera and a set of “sex rules.”
As I probably don’t need to tell you, the show continues on ITV2 at 9pm tonight.