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09th Dec 2017

300 complaints were made about the same thing on I’m A Celeb

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Laura Holland

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Ofcom, in the UK, has been receiving a lot of complaints over the treatment of Iain Lee on I’m A Celeb. They’ve received over 300 complaints with everyone saying that the campmates are bullying Iain.

Dennis Wise, Amir Khan and Jamie Lomas are the ones accused of the bullying. In a recent episode, Iain admitted to feeling uncomfortable in the jungle. It followed the three men’s discussion about how he lied about the depth of the water for one of the challenges and how he has so many issues in the camp.

Iain and Dennis also came to blows when deciding who should partake in a Bush Tucker trial with Dennis telling Iain he wasn’t up to it.

A lot of viewers have been threatening to boycott the show over the bullying claims and it’s left for very uncomfortable viewing when Iain is clearly upset. Ofcom has said they are looking into the complaints and will investigate, if necessary.

Christine Pratt, of the National Bullying Helpline in the UK, told The Sun:

“Bullying is very often about perception.

Collusion, mobbing, exclusion and negative and hurtful comments is, simply, bullying. It is outlawed in the workplace.

If what is happening in the jungle was occurring online i.e. cyberbullying and it was seemed to be both serious and causing distress, it might carry a prison sentence under the Malicious Communications Act, part of The Harassment Act.”