Look I know most of you are sitting there scrolling through your feeds like ‘no shit Her.ie’ but hear us out here.
While everyone suspects that Kim ‘leaked’ her own sex tape, no evidence was ever officially noted. Now a new book by Ian Halperin lays down the truth.
Posing undercover, Halperin unearths a whole world of celebrity sex tape distribution in which both parties must sign consent forms.
According to Page Six, Halperin quotes a source in the adult film industry who says:
“A mutual friend of Kim and Paris [Hilton] had advised her that if she wanted to achieve fame, a sex tape would be the way to go . . . Kim had discussed the idea of producing a tape with her family beforehand.”
Halperin confirms these claims saying a friend of Kim’s revealed:
“It was Kris who engineered the deal behind the scenes and was responsible for the tape seeing the light of day.”
Such rumours had long been rife in the showbiz world but the new book entitled Kardashian Dynasty,” is the first to “investigate”.
Furthermore to the revelation that the leak was deliberate, Halperin claims Kim profited nicely from it.
He reveals a conversation between himself and a Vivid spokesperson.
“When it comes to . . . selling a sex tape, both parties need to sign off” said the rep.
When asked about Kim’s tape, the spokesperson revealed:
A third party brought it to Vivid . . . [We] got in touch with the Kardashian family.”
This, she said, was to ensure the celebrity would come on board and receive due payment. Otherwise, they would be left with nothing.
So why not work for us, and we’ll make sure that it will not only get out but that it will be distributed the way you want.”
“I can tell you right now. Kim Kardashian’s movie came out in ’07, and she’s made millions.”
Halperin concludes:
“It is clear that Vivid would not have announced plans to distribute Kim’s tape without a clear indication from the family that they would give the go-ahead once they had come to terms on a price.”
A rep for Kim has denied all allegations. But naturally, they would.
So there you have it.
You are welcome.