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05th May 2019

People are trolling Alesha Dixon for a pretty weird fashion fail on Britain’s Got Talent

Rebecca O'Keeffe

Weird, right?

Last night, a brilliant episode of Britain’s Got Talent aired on TV.

We saw the incredible Mark McMullan sing his heart out, leaving the audience in tears.

He walked away with 4 firm yeses from the judges and even got a standing ovation.

You know what didn’t get a standing ovation? The outfit that judge, Alesha Dixon, wore.

The 40-year-old stunner attended the Manchester auditions wearing odd earrings.

Yep – one small and gold, the other much larger and white. A weird look.

And fans were very quick to comment on Alesha’s interesting choice of accessories.

One viewer tweeted: “Can someone tell Alesha her earring is too fu*king big?”

“I can’t be the only person that things Alesha’s earring looks like a trampoline,” said another.

LOL by the way.

alesha dixon

A third wrote: “I wish Alesha would chuck them awful massive earrings in the bin.”

While someone else added: “For fu*k’s sake! Someone tell Alesha her earring is too fu*king big.”

Oddly, this isn’t the first time that Alesha’s earrings have been trolled.

Last month, the beauty attended more Britain’s Got Talent auditions, again sparking an online discussion about her bling.

Viewers were pretty baffled when the saw that the judge was wearing one oversized triangle earring.

One fan said: “I’m surprised no one has started to play Alesha’s earring. Why is she wearing a triangle?””Why has Alesha Dixon got one ridiculously oversized earring in?” said another.Another wrote: “Why is Alesha wearing a triangle as an earring?”

We’re honestly laughing, because it legit looked like an instrument.