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27th May 2024

Three memoirs to read in your twenties

Niamh Ryan

Recently I’ve been reading memoirs and personal essays to gain some perspective about life and growing up

I think I enjoy reading about other people’s lives because it makes me feel less scared about my own.

Every so often I’ll forget that I’m not still a teenager, which is strange to admit. Being in my twenties now means I need to have some direction in my life.

After some research and some reading, here’s three memoirs I think every woman in their twenties should read.

Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

“Nearly everything I know about love, I’ve learned from my long term friendships with women.”

This memoir and collection of essays by Sunday Times columnist Dolly Alderton is a must read for every woman in their twenties.

Whether you’ve just come to the end of your teenage years or the big 3-0 is around the corner, the stories and lessons Alderton writes about are absolutely worth reading.

Alderton chronicles the events in her life from her preteen years up until the present, focusing on love, dating, sex, parties, and friendship.

It’s been quoted as “a celebration of our female friendships, of our messy years, and of growing up together”.

Glittering with wit, heart, and humour, it’s a book to share with every woman you’ve ever been lucky enough to call a friend.”

Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

Crying in H Mart is one I have yet to read, but my older sister raved about it, and I take her book recommendations very seriously.

In it, Zauner reflects on her complex family relationships, growing up in a Korean household, and dealing with the loss of her mother in 2014.

The title comes from Zauner’s frequent trips to H Mart following the passing of her mother, as she aimed to reconnect with her heritage though traditional Korean food.

I Didn’t Know I Needed This by Eli Rallo

I practically ripped this book out of the packaging when it came in the post. I’d wanted to read this collection of essays for a long time as I followed the author online for years.

Eli Rallo is a journalist, influencer, and writer who gained a significant following on TikTok for her honest insights on life and love.

You may have come across her series where she lists her ‘rules’ in life. She’s spoken about everything from first dates, heartbreaks, and the best ways to spend a lazy Saturday.

The book is an extension of her personality online, and the writing is raw, funny, and hopeful.

Everything you need to know about getting through your romantic life in your twenties is in these pages.

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