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24th May 2024

Aimee Connolly on being part of the Met Gala, dining with Mary Robinson, and the joy of exercise

Kat O'Connor

Aimee Connolly is going from strength to strength

We’re not even halfway through 2024 and it’s already been an unforgettable year for businesswoman, Aimee Connolly.

The Sculpted by Aimee founder has hit new career and personal milestones, but she’s set to take on one of her biggest challenges yet in June. The make-up artist is taking part in the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon and cannot wait for the empowering challenge.

Speaking about the event, Aimee told

“Whether you walk, jog, or run the 10km, there’s such a sense of achievement when you cross that finish line and see all your hard work and discipline paying off.”

Connolly said the sense of solidarity gives you such a boost on the day.

“There’s a real sense of belonging. This year, some of my friends, family, and colleagues are taking part, and I can’t wait to share the experience with them.”

Training for this year’s marathon has been a major boost for Connolly. Exercising is hugely important to her and something that helps her mental health.

“For me, exercise is a huge part of looking after my mental health. It helps me to unwind and switch off, and I feel fantastic after it. When I’m training for the Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon, it gives me focus, and I find I make healthier choices. My fitness improves, and I feel better in general.”

“Exercise for me is key when it comes to dealing with stress”

We all have different ways of caring for our mental health, but exercising has been hugely important to Aimee. As someone who runs her own business, she is all too familiar with having overwhelming days but something as simple as a run or walk with her husband always makes her feel better.

“My work can be very demanding, and the schedule can be tough at times. When it comes to looking after my well-being and mental health, I try to stay active, get enough sleep, prioritise time with my family and friends, and eat healthily. This can be easier said than done, but I do try to keep on top of it.”

“I’m also working on saying no too, as overcommitting leads to stress for me, and in the past, I haven’t been great at setting boundaries for myself.”

If life feels too overwhelming then Aimee leans on her support network in her time of need.

“My husband John is incredibly supportive and a great listener. I always feel calmer once I’ve talked things through with him, as he’s great at putting things in perspective. He also loves to exercise, so it’s great to get out together for a run or a hike. I also have an amazing group of friends who are always there when I need them.”

“Seeing our products on the red carpet at such an iconic event was incredible”

Amongst the busy and somewhat stressful days, 2024 has been an incredible year for Aimee, personally and professionally. She went on one of her bucket list trips to South America with her husband John in January, is the woman behind one of Ireland’s most loved beauty brands, and even dined with former president Mary Robinson.

“I was at a dinner recently with Mary Robinson and found her incredibly inspiring and thought-provoking. It was an honour just to be in the same room as her.”

One highlight that really stood out to her was being involved in Alison Oliver’s Met Gala look. Speaking about the groundbreaking moment, Aimee said she was thrilled to be involved in the Conversations with Friends star’s look.

“It was a real pinch-me moment. Seeing our products on the red carpet at such an iconic event was incredible. Alison is such a talented actress and represents Ireland so beautifully on the world stage. Shayna Gold is a creative genius when it comes to makeup, so I was thrilled when she chose to use Sculpted by Aimee to create Alison’s look.”

Aimee Connolly is a Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon ambassador which takes place this year on the June 2nd with over 25,000 women expected to take part! Find out further information at

