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18th Sep 2023

The one skincare product all Irish women should be using, according to an expert

Kat O'Connor

Jennifer Rock is back with more skincare tips.

Skincare all-knower Jennifer Rock has revealed the one skincare product all Irish women should be using to ensure their skin is cared for.

There are so many skincare products out there, but trying to find the right one can feel impossible. We’re often left scratching our heads as new brands, trends, and products emerge every other day.

Luckily, Jennifer Rock is here to clear any confusion.

She told about the skincare products Irish women should never leave out of their routines.

Jennifer explained that you should wear an SPF every single day, even when the sun isn’t shining.

She said, “Products that every woman should be using are a broad-spectrum, high-factor SPF and a vitamin A that is suitable for their skin.”

“Most people can use vitamin A, apart from mamas-to-be or those with very sensitive skin that has experienced a “retinoid response” in the past.”

If you’re feeling hesitant about introducing Vitamin A to your skincare routine then start with a lower percentage.

“If you’re a newbie to the active ingredient, I always recommend that you start with a lower percentage or a gentler type of vitamin A, such as retinyl palmitate.

“Retinyl palmitate is the fatty form of vitamin A that needs to be converted into retinoic acid by the skin. This process slightly reduces the vitamin A’s efficacy, but it’ll help to prevent skin irritation.”

“The goal is to gently acclimatise your skin to vitamin A over a period of time. This will then maintain optimum skin health,” Jennifer explained.

Our skin will be glowing in no time with Jennifer’s sage advice.